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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's all weird.

No weird or interesting shows to report on so I will just leave you with 10 things that are currently going on.

1. I am "dating" the same girl since January, this is a big deal, or maybe it's not, it just doesn't happen that often. She isn't my girlfriend, so feel free to hit on me.
2. I wrote a script for Friday Night Live and it was really well received. Big ego boost.
3. I have been awake for 14 hours.
4. seventeen hundred thousand. Ask Courtney, SHE AIN'T GOT TIME FOR NUMBERS!
5. I think I'm starting a podcast with Josh Lathe, obviously I will be the star.
6. I shaved my beard, it's weird, but I highly recommend the Schick Quatro!
7. I am a f*cking child.
8. Remember Kony 2012? Nope!
9. The speaker in our class just said she cusses in her blog, I should do that, it would make number 7 so much fucking better.
10. There are an inordinate amount of beautiful women in the Mass Comm building.

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