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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Internet Dating

I make lots of poor choices in my life, I mean a LOT, but what started off as a drunken joke has led to a few interesting friendships and a constant reminder that sanity is but a dangling thread, to be cut at the first sign of criticism, judgement, or rejection.
If you know me, and you probably do (or are within close enough proximity to meet me), you KNOW I love internet dating. I think it is insanely fascinating. I am currently experimenting with OkCupid and wonderful Craigslist, what is significant about these sites? Sure you can find some one to date, but you ALSO get to come face to face with INSANE people from time to time. I love it. I currently have a girl who sends me about 3 emails a day detailing elaborate and sometimes impossible sexual scenarios she would like to get in with me. All of this is based on a 2 paragraph joke on Craigslist, and the beauty? I have only responded twice. I get free porn and all I had to do was bs two paragraphs!
OkCupid is nice, to a degree, I have met maybe 3 people that seem normal and like they wouldn’t be terrible to hang out with. But I have  also come across friends, friends of friends, ex girlfriends, ex stalkers, my ex girlfriends best friend, and an old booty call who currently hates me. The cool thing about this site is it gives me a percentage of how likely that person is to become my enemy, and you know what. It is surprisingly accurate! I have met people on this site that I think I might literally hate based on ONE paragraph. 
The future is digital people. And NO I have not eschewed normal dating and still greatly prefer it, but there is something to this whole “screening people before I let them inside of my house thing” that I like. Sure the questions on OkCupid are broad and people probably lie, but I still find it an interesting concept. and before you go judging and saying how online dating is horrible and not natural, neither is text messaging, seeing a movie, going for a drive, or facebook.
I probably won’t marry any of these people (or anyone) but this has been a fun adventure.

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