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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3 sets, all weird.

I work all manner of weird gigs. Last week I did 3 separate gigs each with their own weird set of problems. Without a video play by play here is a break down of the three sets.

Actually before I talk about these three weird sets, let's plug my next 7!

Where can you see me this week?! LOONY BIN! I am doing 7 shows there this week! You should come out and laugh at things I say! I have 20 free tickets that I can give out over the course of the week (except Saturday) so there is almost NO reason to not come see me. 

Shows are:
Wednesday (open mic): 8
Thursday (Ladies night): 8
Friday: 8 & 10:30
Saturday: 8 &10:30 (both 8 PM shows non-smoking)
and Sunday: 9, you can get in free if you bring a paystub from a bar, hotel, or restaurant.


Anyway, onto some weird sets:

1. Personhood protest at the capitol: First of all this was the weirdest show I had ever done, it was both highly organized and highly chaotic. I was the master of ceremonies, I was to bring up speakers and do jokes in between (NOT jokes from my act I had been instructed). So I had to write a new 15-20 minute set to perform one time the week before, no big. The problem came when NO ONE told the audience that there was going to be a comedian making light of the very things they took seriously. I did fine comedy wise, as good as anyone in my position was going to do. The problem came, every time I had to wind down and be serious and introduce the next person, I am pretty apolitical, so if you asked me to pick the governor out of a line-up I couldn't. Also, if you asked me to pick out, my local senator I totally couldn't do it. So when I arrived, and didn't get told who anyone was I knew I was in trouble. The basic formula went like this: I tell jokes, jokes do okay, I make broad semi-political statement, crowd goes nuts, I introduce next person (whom I have never met), turn around and hope someone comes and takes the mic from my hand. It went okay, but then they had an OPEN MIC, where ANYONE could state their feelings on personhood and abortion and all manner of personal issues. OF COURSE I LEFT BEFORE THE OPEN MIC! All and all it went okay, but was the start of my vocal issues, which continued on too...

2. Headlining Paseo Underground: I love this place, LOVE it. They let me go on stage without material and just work s*it out. I don't feel as much pressure to be wall to wall hilarious as I do in comedy clubs, and subsequently I can work out new material. Wednesday (and Tuesday during the personhood event) I had Laryngitis. I had it all week, but Wednesday was the worst, vocally. I pretty much whispered 30 minutes of jokes into a microphone for in front of 20 people who had all seen the jokes done better, and a girl I had a crush on. I did okay, but it was one of those sets I would feel bad about if I didn't KNOW they had all, except the girl I had a crush on, seen me do better. The girl I had a crush on won't return my texts, I love my life.

3. Othello's Comedy Contest: This one sucked for me. Plain sucked. MY voice was s*it, and the speakers only went to the 3rd row. That sounds f*cking insane for a comedy CONTEST, where the goal was to get the most people on your side, but that's what happened. It didn't help that my voice wasn't going to project. It was just a lose lose situation that NONE of us were told about beforehand. If we were told this was a bringer contest (where you win based on how many of your friends you can trick into staying all night and voting for you) then I bet more than a few of us wouldn't have showed up. Whatever, I am probably just bitter I didn't win, or something.

Thank you for reading. Please like me,


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