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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Investing 100+ hours into a video game, and other ways to fail as a human

I am not much of a video gamer, but the few games I play I am extremely loyal to. I will play every game in a franchise, and greet new releases as if they were an old friend (they aren't).
I have been playing the Mass Effect series since its original incarnation, I have followed it through comic books, novels (I didn't read them, but I was certainly aware of them) and weird ipod games, but with the release of Mass Effect 3 the series is over, and the ending is 100% disappointing.

I have invested so much time into this universe, building (fake) relationships, killing (fake) intergalactic threats, and exploring (fake) new planets, only to be told that by and large it didn't actually matter. Ooops. Now the Mass Effect series of games are noted for their complex and multiple endings, but the ending I got (the 2nd "best") didn't reflect ANY of the choices (except the final one) that I had made in the 3 previous games (a highly touted feature). Basically BioWare said, "hey we gotta end this f*cking game, let's just kill everyone."


Also, the girl I am "dating" and I are no longer "dating." It is almost exclusively my fault, but I think being 24 and unable to maintain even the most basic relationships is an issue...

Here are some other things that are going on...

I am selling a NEW iPad, yes the new one, yes I have it. No I don't want it as much as I want to charge you a slight mark up for it.

I did 7 shows at the Loony Bin last week, three were okay, two were bad, one was incredible, and one was horrible.

I drank a lot while working, like way too much. I know for a fact Saturday, I had 32oz of liquor in ONE of my drinks, and that was the third thing I drank.

I am going to stop drinking soda.

Please love me.

P.S. Daylight savings time isn't as big a deal as you are making it out to be.

P.P.S. Instead of making Kony famous, let's just make Snooki not famous.