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Monday, October 8, 2012

Presidential debates.

So my posts haven't been showing up... That's frustrating.

Here is my notes from the presidential debate. Why did I take notes? No idea, most of theses ended up as tweets on @BrandonComedy

7:58 I think I’m going to do my blog post this week in this format.

7:58 I’m watching the presidential debates on MSNBC, because I’m a filthy liberal.

7:59 Nice stage, I would love to do stand up on that stage.

7:59 as Maddow says the audience isn’t expected to cheer, the audience is heard cheering.

8:00 debate isn’t on. I immediately want ice cream.

8:00 Chris Matthews is pretty unlikable, I’m going to get ice cream.

8:02 Jim Leherer, whenever I saw him as a kid, I knew it was time to go to bed,

8:04 Both candidates are wearing the same suit. Neither came out to theme music. I’m calling bullshit.

8:05 Obama spends a minute giving shout outs.

8:08 Mitt Romney’s make up isn’t doing him any favors.

8:10 I’m guessing there won’t be any ad hominem personal attacks tonight.

8:13 Obama is resisting calling Mitt names, I dislike this quality in him.

8:16 I forgot how boring these are. Debates should be held at the Apollo.

8:18 Obama keeps bringing up facts, I bet Mitt hates that.


8:24 Mitt getting snippy about rules!

8:27 Jim has lost control.

8:28 Romney just alluded to firing Jim Lehrer, zinger!

8:31 “I have my own plan”

8:32 Mitt is raising his voice.

8:35 Obama keeps using those pesky facts!

8:38 Mitt Romney has referenced a friend, I’m calling lies.

8:39 Jim Lehrer should just leave. Seriously is he helping anything?

8:43 here comes a zinger?

8:44 Nope, just misdirection and distortion of facts.

8:46 Romney killed Obama’s grandmother

8:51 Jim Lehrer just said “fuck it”

8:57 I haven’t wrote stuff in a while.

9:04 There is no way both sides aren't completely convinced they are winning right now.

9:16 I got Ice Cream, did I miss anything? No? Perfect!

9:33 This is the most Jim Lehrer said all night.

Conclusion: Every candidate met a **** over in **** who **** because she was so inspired by ****, even though **** would deny them the chance because they were too old/a woman/poor/A dog.

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